AJ Knits

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Episode 7 I just wanna Knit! or "Where's Bridezilla when you need her?"

AJ Knits Episode 7

I Production Scheduling
a) Events
b) Production
c) What's In My Tea Pot
d) Materials Sourcing
e) After Five

II Events
a) Today is National Knit in Public day. My life got in the way this week and I was not able to meet up with my knitting group at Hardesty Park in Akron today but I was sure to “represent” by knitting on my Daybreak while waiting for our table at lunch today. Everyday is pretty much knit in public day for me. I usually have my knitting in my purse or in my tote bag. (Yeah... I'm a bag lady. I love tote bags. I carry one just about everyday they're awesome for everything from my knitting to my lunch!)
I used to knit at work during my lunch but I tend to stay at my desk for lunch and don't take my lunch at a specified time. So I would be knitting away and a co worker would come in and I'd defensively explain that “No I'm not goofing off” that “I'm on Lunch” or I'd have to escape to the lunch room which is always filthy... I don't want want bits of other peoples lunches in my knitting! Especially one of the loftier yarns with lots of “fuzz” to it! So I don't knit at lunch very often now but I do pull it out while waiting for Nate at guitar lessons, while B is playing with the toys at the library or while is various waiting rooms (unless B is with me then he takes all of my attention... Nothing is worse than a child wreaking havoc while a parent is not paying attention or worse doing something other that paying attention to their child... ) Joe makes fun of me when I knit in public. I find that most of my non knitting friends politely ignore it but once in a while I'll get a comment of “Oh,don't mind us you just keep on sewing....” I've resolved to not pay these people any attention as long as I'm not knitting in patently unappropriated situations (meetings at work, church services, yadda yadda) I'm going to keep knitting where ever. Knitting is an art form and if “ya got it, flaunt it.”

b)Woolfest at Lake farm Park June 23 to 26. I will be at this event on Sunday the 26th taking the beginning spinning class and the Stitch marker class shortly afterward

c) Crooked River Fiber Fling in Peninsula, Oh August 4th-7th.

d) Ann Arbor Fiber Expo October 22 and 23rd at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. This on is tentative ass of now but will give me another reason to visit Ann Arbor again. Google this one if you have a chance I love their logo!

III Production

a) The Day Break Shawl By Stephen West. Knitted out of Bamboo and Ewe in Bamboo and ewe Purple and Berroco comfort in color way #1812. AHHHHH! I'm sooo close! I can see the end of the tunnel. I can't tell you how much it's irking me to have to do all the miscellaneous stuff in my everyday life right now, I have all 20 pairs of stripes finished. The first two rows of the edging are done, I guess you’d call them almost the set up rows for the edging...? I'm ready to start the last 4 row repeats to finish this baby! I just can not sit down and get to it! Grrrrrrr! Don't these people understand I have knitting to do?

b) I had such big plans for knitting this weekend. I even have the pattern for the Clapotis, one of the balled skeins of the Malabrigo , and my needle case in my tote bag ready to cast on as soon as I get the day break off my needles. HA! Wishful thinking on my part. So this week I have been very monogamous in knitting and have ignored everything trying to get the daybrersk done. We haven't had anything in shipping for a while and this week isn't going to change!

IV) What's in My Tea Pot
a) Strawberry Tingle Rooibus Tea from East of Eden Tea Co. A wonderful harmony between strawberry and rooibos, Strawberry Tingle Rooibos delivers outstanding strawberry flavor! This blend brings back memories of sweet succulent strawberries.

b) When you brew Rooibos, you can follow the same procedure you normally would when brewing black or oolong tea; save the fact you let it steep about 2 minutes longer

c) Rooibus s a broom-like member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos. Rooibos is grown only in a small area in the region of the Western Cape province of South Africa.[2] Generally, the leaves are oxidized, a process often, and inaccurately, referred to as f ermentation by analogy with tea-processing terminology. This process produces the distinctive reddish-brown colour of rooibos and enhances the flavour. Unoxidized "green" rooibos is also produced, but the more demanding production process for green rooibos (similar to the method by which green tea is produced) makes it more expensive than traditional rooibos. It carries a malty and slightly grassy flavour somewhat different from its red counterpart.

V) Materials Sourcing

a) Tour De Fleece goal and research.
1) I may be hopelessly over committed. My bag of mystery fiber from Greenfield village is a full pound. I'm going to be a spinning fool! Which makes me think that maybe in additional to spinning with the rookie 2011 team and Team I got you Babe. I may also join team Hopelessly Over committed. I may also join the other pod casters over at Team Sasquatch. I'm not sure about this one... being a rookie spinner and pod caster I'm not sure I belong over there just yet. :)

2) I did a some research this week on fleece prep for spinning. Instrumental in this was a book I found at my local library. The Intentional Spinner A Holistic Approach to Making Yarn by Judith Mackenzie McCuin. This is a great book. I've been selection reading this using more as reference for my immediate questions than reading it cover to cover but every time I open it to look up something... I get sucked in by another section. Using this book I've decided that my mystery fleece is fairly long stapled and that I'll be spinning it worsted. Which means I get to invest in a new toy. I've already found the set of wool combs I want. They're from a small supplier in Cincinnati and I'll share where I get them from after they arrive and I know I'm satisfied with them. After I decided the preparation method. I started looking into how wool combing was done. There's an excellent set of videos on YouTube by ADHUK who seems to be AKA Amanda http://youtu.be/gcYY1xF-JvY I have the link to part one of her videos on the show notes she takes you from preparation on through combing and even shows you how to make sliver with a diz. I found this really informative and this is how I plan to process the mystery fleece. Also worth noting is http://youtu.be/g2LhZBJFW9g from a poster called thestarbox. I watched this after the first link. She was brave enough to ,make a video of her first attempt. It may be just me but I like when I can see that other people get less than perfect results. It helps me to see what other people are doing and how I can improve upon it. Plus it takes serious Hutzpah to put your self out there for criticism like that. So for all those reason I've linked to her as well. I'm anxiously awaiting my wool combs! I can't wait to get this started! I really think that spinning from sliver instead of roving my help with my yarn consistency.

3) So while I was sitting at work this week I had a flash of spinning inspiration. I've been worried about how I'm going to ply the Party Colored pot Luck fiber. I really don't want to loose the long color repeats. So it occurred to me that I heard some where that Navajo Plying was used for that., So I looked that up in the Intentional Spinner and then found that on YouTube as well. It occurred to my that instead of Plying the mohair kid singles to the potluck fiber, I can Navajo Ply it to itself! so hopefully this week I'll be practicing Navajo Plying on some corriedale singles I have hanging about. I love it when a plan comes together!

VI After Five
a) DAR Picnic Recipe Success
1) I have a wet butt.
2) I have Beans on My shirt and I smell Like BBQ.
3) Yes my Beans had Weiners in them before Representative Weiner took to twitter.
a) The Wedding
1) How to be a good bridesmaid.
a) Buy your dress where the bride asks you to.
b) Buy the color the Bride wants.
c) remember this day is not about you.
d) If you can't afford to do the above BOW OUT GRACEFULLY!
2) B's Tux
3) Cake Drama
b) Joe's Birthday and Father's Day Moved Up
c) B Loves the library

VII Quitting Time
a) I try to remember to Thank you guys for letting me rant at you every week. So before I forget hto do it again Thank you! I know you guys are out there and someone is listening but I don't hear from you often and I really want this to be a conversation. So please feel free to post comments on the Show notes, friend me or follow me on Ravelry, Twitter, and or Plurk, or drop me an email you can email me from the show notes page. Tell me what I'm doing right or wrong, share your knitting snafus, or even your mommy stories. Most of all if you enjoy me tell a friend and if you want to tell someone you don't know take a second and give me a rating on Itunes. Those ratings help other listeners to decide who to take a chance on and to risk quoting Abba I'd love them to “Take a chance on me!”

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